Andrew Mitchell supports same-sex marriage, says only pensioners are opposed

Written on:June 21, 2023
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'Only pensioners oppose gay marriage', says Andrew Mitchell

Andrew Mitchell, the International Development Secretary, has remarked that only pensioners are opposed to gay marriage, and if explained properly, even they would change their mind.

The Conservative MP supported same-sex marriage and said that the majority of every age group except other than the over-65s was in favour. Expressing his views regarding the trending polls, he said, “If you explain to the over-65s that it’s civil marriage – not inflicting a view on the church – there is a narrow majority in favour.”

His comments come as the coalition considers changing the law to allow couples of the same sex to marry in the same way as heterosexuals. The proposals have been opposed by many Conservative MPs and by the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church.

Earlier this week, Nick Clegg, the Deputy Prime Minister said that laws allowing homosexuals full marriage rights are inevitable, saying the current debate is about “when”, not “if” to make the change. He lent his support for the cause in an online video for the Out4Marriage campaign, which has recorded statements of support from several leading politicians.

“I’ve always been very clear on this: love is the same, straight or gay, so the civil institution should be the same too. All couples should be able to make that commitment to one another, regardless of who they love”, Clegg said.

David Cameron has backed same-sex marriage along with several senior Conservatives including Theresa May, the Home Secretary. Justice Minister Nick Herbert, who is in a civil partnership, has said he has “never felt more distant” from the Church over the issue, accusing them of “intolerant” language.

Church of England dismisses Coalition’s gay marriage plan

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