Nick Clegg urged Lib Dems ‘to be proud’

Written on:April 3, 2023
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Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, who is all set to launch The Liberal Democrats English local elections campaign in Stockport today, speaking ahead of the launch said it is the time to be proud of being a Lib Dem.

“We’ve always worked hard and delivered for people locally but for the first time in living memory, we are doing that nationally too”, said Clegg. Referring to the rise in the amount of money people can earn before paying tax, he emphasized that the party was working for ordinary people being within the coalition government.

While rallying party activists ahead of local elections on May 3, Clegg said, “Over the next week, our policies will mean nearly 25 million people will get a £130 tax cut on top of the £200 tax cut we gave them last year.”

“Schools will get over £1bn more through our Pupil Premium to help the most disadvantaged children and pensioners will see the biggest ever cash rise in the state pension of £5.30 a week”, he added.

Clegg is hoping for a better performance in this election, after the Lib Dems lost control of nine of the 19 councils they were defending and 778 councillors, in the 2011 local elections in England. The defeat has already forced Anne Robertson to step down as head of Aberdeenshire Council.

Praising the work of Lib Dem controlled councils, Clegg said that council is working to protect local services from cuts and freezing council tax. He pressed the idea that Liberal Democrats in government are clearing up the economic mess created by Labour.

Meanwhile, Labour leader Ed Miliband has launched his party’s English local elections campaign. In his campaign he accused the coalition parties of cheating Middle Britain.

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