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Nick Clegg prepared to face jibes over private school decision for son

Written on:January 28, 2024
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Nick Clegg plans to send his oldest son, Antonio, to a private school

Deputy PM Nick Clegg has robustly clued that he would send his eldest son to a fee-paying private school, voicing that he is ready to be disparaged over his decision to send his son to a private school. The issue of Nick Clegg admitting his son to a private school is a controversial one as the Deputy PM had previously asserted that the gulf in educational standards between private and public schools is corrosive for the British society and detrimental to the British economy.

Nick Clegg has remarked that his eldest son Antonio’s education shouldn’t be employed as a political football. Nick Clegg issued this remark as admitting his oldest son to a private school could leave him susceptible to accusations of political hypocrisy. On BBC’s Andrew Marr programme, the deputy PM voiced that, when he and his wife make a decision on this issue, it would be subjected to public debate and disparagement.

On BBC’s Andrew Marr programme, Nick Clegg voiced that he and his wife, Miriam, had resolved at the outset that they would keep their kids out of politics wholly. They never intended to make their kids’ education a political football. The deputy PM uttered that he hoped that the citizens would respect his parental instinct, which was to do the best for his kids’ education. Nick Clegg expressed on the Andrew Marr programme that he and Miriam only desired the protection of the privacy of Antonio.

The deputy PM, who was himself educated at a private school, had proclaimed last week to LBC radio station that he would despatch Antonio to a private school if Antonio was unable to acquire a spot in a good comprehensive close to his residence. As per Nick Clegg, there is massive competition for positions in London secondary schools.

Reportedly, the deputy PM and Miriam, in 2012, scrutinised a private school, worth £30,000 a year, for their son. Meanwhile, PM David Cameron had asserted a few days back that he remained dedicated to despatching his eldest daughter, Nancy, to a state school in London as there is real enhancement occurring in this state educational sector.

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One Comment add one

  1. Jake says:

    Nick Clegg is in a difficult and embarrassing position now…

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