Child abuse

Recent articles on Child abuse

Are child care homes safe, ask report

Written on:June 18, 2023

The safety of the care homes for children is questioned by reports following the Rochdale case of sexual exploitation of children. The Rochdale case, that came into light just a month back, found nine men guilty of exploiting sexually young girls. One of the girls was, at that time, in care and all the girls were reportedly known to social services. Councillor Colin Lambert, the leader of Rochdale Borough Council,…


Child abuse rampant in UK, blamed on easy access to porn

Written on:June 13, 2023

Extent of protection against child abuse across the UK has hit an abysmal low, almost to the tipping point where even girls aged 11 or below reportedly face sexual abuse in every ‘town, village and hamlet’ of the country, a government expert yesterday warned the MPs. Deputy Children’s Commissioner, Sue Berelowitz, told the Commons home affairs committee on Tuesday that child abuse was taking place in “leafy rural areas” as well as inner cities. She told the committee…


Sex crimes against children reach alarming levels

Written on:April 4, 2023

Figures released by the NSPCC show that one child is sexually abused every 20 minutes in the UK, revealing the true scale of child abuse in the country. According to the NSPCC, more than 60 child sex offences are reported to police each day, but ironically less than one in ten of reported cases led to an arrest. Of all the children, who were victim of child abuse, around 1,470…