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Jimmy Savile scandal: Sir Paul McCartney says The Beatles suspected Late DJ

Written on:November 23, 2023
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Sir Paul McCartney has said a climate of ‘free love’ prevailed in the UK in the 70s, which wasn’t PC

The legendary Sir Paul McCartney, who, along with the other Beatles, spent time with Jimmy Savile while participating in concerts, has divulged that the Beatles suspected the credentials of the Late BBC presenter as he would never permit the Beatles to enter his residence even when they gave him a lift home.

Sir Paul McCartney has divulged to the British media that most individuals, who had been given a lift home by the Beatles, would have allowed the Beatles to enter their homes. But Jimmy Savile desisted from letting this happen, which made Sir Paul wonder.

The high-profile rock star has described the ‘love atmosphere’, which prevailed in the UK in the 1960s, 70s and 80s, saying that a climate of ‘free love’ existed then, which had been bolstered by the availability of pills. Sir Paul McCartney described the setting in this epoch as not so PC.

Sir Paul McCartney has remarked that they knew that having sexual activity with girls less than 16 years was unlawful. Therefore, they stayed away from such acts. They attempted to ascertain the girls’ ages before performing intimate acts with them. But, as per Sir Paul McCartney, the Beatles weren’t perturbed as they had abundant adult female fans.

Sir Paul McCartney has confessed that it is distressing for him to converse about Jimmy Savile after the eruption of the Jimmy Savile sex abuse scandal in October, subsequent to the telecast of the ITV Jimmy Savile documentary. That ‘Exposure’ documentary on ITV interviewed some women, who claimed that they had been sexually mistreated by Savile over a 40-year period.

The Beatles star has professed that the band knew Jimmy Savile and had functioned with him on a professional basis. The Beatles were entertained by Jimmy Savile’s accounts of him being an ‘older hustler guy.’

Meanwhile, the 84-year-old TV presenter, Sir Bruce Forsyth, has remarked to The Sun that he never was fond of Jimmy Savile’s personality, which was difficult to like and trust.

Hitherto, Scotland Yard, as part of its inquest into the Jimmy Savile scandal, has identified approximately 300 possible sex abuse victims.

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