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Action packed boat ride, Duchess Kate’s gift to Prince William

Written on:June 26, 2023
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Was it fun? Kate gives William an action packed birthday gift

The Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, presented her husband Prince William an action packed boat ride on his 30th birthday.

Duchess Kate, reportedly, booked the boat ride for her husband weeks ago and hoped June 21, Prince’s birthday, would have a pleasant weather. But the weather turned out to be chilly and the Prince was left “soaked to the skin.”

The Telegraph reported, Prince Harry, the Duchess and a small group of friends rolled in laughter as Prince William kept bouncing about on a rubber ring. The birthday Prince was pulled behind a high-speed vessel in the massive rubber ring.

The incident took place in Anglesey, near the North Wales rented cottage of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. The adventurous boat ride was one of the many noteworthy presents that Duchess Kate gave to her husband.

The Duchess reportedly commissioned a jeweller to make a handcrafted timepiece for her would be king husband. Also, the Duchess posed for the artist Nicky Phillips who was expected to paint her portrait that would be gifted to Prince William.

Other than the gifts from his beloved wife, Prince William, on his 30th birthday, has inherited £10 million that his dead mother, Princess Diana, had left for him.

The Duke and the Duchess may leave Anglesey soon, as there are rumours that the couple is searching house in the Home Country. The Daily Mirror reports, Kate and William are all set to have their own luxury country pad, ideally near their official residence in Kensington Palace in London and close to the Duchess’s parents in Berkshire.

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